MySQL Driver

Boris Gaertner Boris.Gaertner at
Tue Apr 12 06:33:37 UTC 2005

"Daniel Salama" <dsalama at> wrote:

> I'm trying to execute an UPDATE SQL statement and every time I run it, 
> I get an exception. Is there a specific way of doing this?
> Socket initializeNetwork.
> spec := (JdmConnectionSpec new initialize
> user: 'master'; password: 'secret';
> host: (NetNameResolver addressForName: 'localhost');
> database: 'dcm'; port: 3306).
> connection := JdmConnection on: spec.
> statement := connection createStatement.
> nextCustomerNo := 1.
> updateSQL := 'update tests set next = ', (nextCustomerNo asString), ' 
> where sequence = ''CustomerNo'''.
> statement executeQuery: updateSQL.
> This generates: "Error: subscript is out of bounds: 2" exception.
Strange, really,
> Any ideas anyone?

There is an example database for mySQL, the world database, that
you find on the mySQL page.

With this database, I was able to successfully evaluate this
update statement:

  Socket initializeNetwork.
  spec := (JdmConnectionSpec new initialize
              user: 'root'; password: '';
              host: (NetNameResolver addressForName: 'localhost');
              database: 'world';
              port: 3306).
  connection := JdmConnection on: spec.
  statement := connection createStatement.
  nextCustomerNo := 1.
  updateSQL := 'update city
  set Name = ''Shumen''
  where id = 548 '.
 (statement executeQuery: updateSQL) 

I think that your problem has more to do with SQL than
with the driver. The DECLARE TABLE statement would

> Thanks,
> Daniel

Greetings, Boris 

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