Squeak networking overview ?

Chris Muller chris at funkyobjects.org
Fri Aug 5 14:39:38 UTC 2005

> * Is there a Squeak networking overview anywhere ?
> * Also,
>    i'm having trouble getting the basic Socket examples to work.

Hi Orion, I'm not sure about the Socket examples in the image, but another
simple example (for client-server style) that I sometimes use as a sanity check
that the network is working.

You must load "Ma client server" from SqueakMap.  It has two simple classes
that  wrap a Squeak standard Socket.  The scripts below demonstrate sending and
receiving bytes between both images.

"Inspect in the server image, when done execute 'self shutdown'"
| serverSocket |
serverSocket _ MaServerSocket new server: MaTranscriptConsole new.
	listenOn: 1010
		[ :requestByteArray | requestByteArray reverse ].

"Open a transcript in client image and run this:"
| mySocket requestByteArray response eachResponse randomStream
byteArrayRandomizer requestSize serverIp largestTest |
largestTest _ 9000.
randomStream _ Random new.
response _ ByteArray new: 4000.  "<- purposely too small"
requestByteArray _ ByteArray new: largestTest.
byteArrayRandomizer _
	[ :size | 
	1 to: size do: 
		[ :index | requestByteArray at: index put: (randomStream nextInt: 256) - 1 ]
serverIp _ FillInTheBlank
	request: 'Enter the IP of the host:'
	initialAnswer: ''.
mySocket _ MaClientSocket
	hostAddress: (NetNameResolver addressFromString: serverIp)
	port: 1010.
1 to: 500 do:
	[ :count |
	requestSize _ (randomStream nextInt: largestTest).
	byteArrayRandomizer value: requestSize.
	eachResponse _ mySocket
		sendData: requestByteArray
		startingAt: 1
		count: requestSize
		waitForReplyIn: response.
	(requestByteArray copyFrom: 1 to: requestSize) reverse = (eachResponse
copyFrom: 1 to: requestSize) ifFalse: [ self halt ].
	Transcript cr; show: count printString, ' successful conversations.' ]

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