What about UnstableSqueak and ENH management ?

Doug Way dway at mailcan.com
Thu Feb 10 20:44:55 UTC 2005

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 18:49:47 +0100, "Samir Saidani"
<saidani at info.unicaen.fr> said:
> Hello,
> I have just discovered that some enh I posted one year ago in a .mcz
> format were rejected because these are not in .cs format. I think that
> .mcz format is the right way to manage enh (enhancement), so I take a
> look in UnstableSqueak image which tackle enh management through
> Monticello (the right way in my opinion !), but I didn't manage to do
> a default update (bug), it's quite a pity... So I don't like the .cs
> approach because too painful for me, and Monticello adds a lot of
> facilities precisely to enhance the enhancements ;-) in a reflective
> manner and hence in the smalltalk spirit. So I propose a temporary way
> to manage enhancements in a collaborative manner, or at least ask
> reviewers if it is possible to let us manage enhancements by posting
> .mcz or - better for mail traffic - the url pointing to the required
> .mcz. I'm ready to make some modifications to BFAV if it is necessary
> to ease the review process...

Is there a button or method anywhere in Monticello which converts a .mcz
to a changeset?  It seems like that wouldn't be hard to do.  .mcz is a
stricter subset of what a changeset can do, so I assume that any .mcz
can be reliably converted to a changeset, but a changeset cannot be
reliably converted to a .mcz.  So, changesets are sort of a lowest
common denominator solution.

So anyway, if you had this mcz->changeset converter, you could happily
work in Monticello and just convert your .mcz to a changeset as the last
step before submitting a fix/enh.

Basically, I think we will be sticking with the update stream and
changesets for a while longer, at least.  See Andreas' response on the
UnstableSqueak SqP discussion here:
http://people.squeakfoundation.org/article/39.html  I just replied there

(Yes, there are some aspects to changesets that I don't like.  For
example, the fact that the change sorter shows the current image methods
and not the actual methods that were loaded with the changeset... that's
pretty horrible.  And I agree that changesets are a bad format for a
"package" e.g. an application or tool or subsystem.  But they're not
such a bad format for small *changes* such as fixes/enhancements.)

- Doug

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