patch for inisqueak (add only symbolic link to SqueakVx.sources)

Lex Spoon lex at
Sat Feb 12 20:23:39 UTC 2005

Samir Saidani <saidani at> wrote:
> Thanks, I didn't know this start-up script ! In fact, I have sometimes
> used the Debian package, but it was often an old-version not
> synchronize with the current release version and only available for
> sid, so I gave up to use Debian packages. But maybe I should
> reconsider this question since I'm using now the sid distrib and the
> repository seems to be up-to-date, thanks to you ! :-)

Yes, many people get confused because points to Ian
Piumarta's Squeak/Unix site, and that site has some ancient packages on
there.  My packages have the same ancestry (Marcus Denker's work), but
they have a number of improvements at this point, e.g. being

I do use an up to date sid, which I hope is the most common for Squeak
users.  I don't have time to recompile them for other Debian branches,
and besides -- it would double the ftp space required, which is already
high.  I haven't wanted to impose on the generous folks at UIUC.

(I *would* like to impose on the Debian folks, but I don't know how to
do it.  I have spent LONG times bantering with the folks on
debian-legal, but so long as there are one or two bored people holding
out saying no, how can I make progress?  They have no process for
actually making decisions, and I don't have the time to go through and
fix their processes....)


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