Bug in BlockContext ?

Avi Bryant avi.bryant at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 14:37:30 UTC 2005

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 22:30:19 +0800, Yar Hwee Boon <hboon at motionobj.com> wrote:

> Try the following (note that the |a| is important) in a workspace to
> see the effect of #fixTemps:
> ====
> |a|
> a := 1.
> b1 := [a].
> b2 := [a] fixTemps.
> a := 3.
> b1 value + b2 value

Yes, although in this case #fixTemps is making it act *differently*
from how a proper BlockClosure would, whereas the default behavior
would be the same.  Here's a similar example where fixTemps "fixes"
the behavior rather than "breaking" it:

|blocks1 blocks2|
blocks1 := (1 to: 10) collect: [:ea | [ea]].
blocks2 := (1 to: 10) collect: [:ea | [ea] fixTemps].
blocks1 first value + blocks2 first value

For those who use Seaside - every callback in Seaside has #fixTemps
sent to it, which is why code like this works:

html list: items do:
  [:ea |
  html anchorWithAction: [self showItem: ea] text: item name]

The [self showItem: ea] block gets fixTemped so that the value of "ea"
is preserved properly.  Otherwise clicking on any item would display
the last one in the last.


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