Proposal for more stripping (was: Re: Another Small 3.7 image (3.6mb)

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at
Sat Feb 19 13:23:17 UTC 2005

Strippers and Squeakers

I taking scattered objects on the floor and trying to do a Mom (3.7 with all
I using) and Child (QuiteSmall-3.7 ) Remote Command (via single port TCP)

I could send any valid Smalltalk command from Mom to Child and intercept
some errors for Child askMom: whatIDo and raise pop ups in Mom and send new

Its my target reach a reliable shrink/grow procedure (or find why is not

Is in alpha now, so I hope put QuiteSmall-3.7Rem.image in, (thanks to Cees) before Monday , also you
could find here

LogicCircus.RTS.image. (was 3.4 based and I cook this 26/6/03) .

Also my ill fated proposal SqueakDiet (what was 3.6 and I claim 95 percent
compatible with normal 3.6) could be find here.

Now a question:

| actualClass noUso |
noUso _ Set new.
Smalltalk keys do: [ :cls|  actualClass _ Smalltalk at: cls.
(actualClass isKindOf: Class)  ifTrue:[(actualClass allCallsOn  size = 0)
ifTrue:[ noUso add: cls ]]].
noUso asSortedCollection inspect.

And a cup of "mate" afer I have:

#(#Abort #AbstractHierarchicalList #AbstractSoundSystem #AcornFileDirectory
#ActionSequence #AppRegistry #Archive #ArchiveMember #AsyncFile
#AttributedTextStream #BalloonEngineConstants #BasicClassOrganizer
#Bezier2Segment #BlockArgsNode #BorderedStringMorph #Canvas
#ChangeSetCategoryWithParameters #ChronologyConstants #ColorMappingCanvas
#CommentNode #ConnectionQueue #ConnectionRefused #CurveMorph #DeflateStream
#DisplayMedium #DisplayObject #DosFileDirectory #DropDownChoiceMorph
#DumberMenuMorph #DummySoundSystem #EndOfStream #EventSensor
#EventSensorConstants #ExampleSetTest #FTPConnectionException #FillStyle
#GZipConstants #GZipSurrogateStream #HierarchicalUrl #InflateStream
#InstructionClient #KeyWordNode #LayoutPolicy #LeafNode #LineSegment
#ListItemWrapper #LongTestCaseTest #MIMEHeaderValue #MacFileDirectory
#MacHFSPlusFileDirectory #MappedCollection #MethodHolder #MethodTempsNode
#MimeConverter #Monitor #MorphWithSubmorphsWrapper #MorphicTextEditor
#NetworkError #ObjectScanner #ObjectTracer #ObjectWithDocumentation
#OrientedFillStyle #PackageList #ParseNode #PickAFileToWriteNotification
#PluggableCanvas #PluggableMultiColumnListMorph
#PluggableMultiColumnListMorphByItem #PluggableTextAttribute
#PluggableTextMorphWithModel #PopUpChoiceMorph #ProjectSwikiServer
#ProtocolClient #RemoteClient #RemoteServer #RenamedClassSourceReader
#ResumableTestFailureTestCase #RuleDate #RuleIndexDate
#RuleSelectionCodeDate #SARInstaller #SMTPClient #SUnitTest #SelectionMorph
#SimpleTestResourceTestCase #Slider #SolidFillStyle #SourceFileArray
#SpaceTally #SpaceTallyItem #StandardScriptingSystem
#StaticChangeSetCategory #Stopwatch #StringButtonMorph #SubpaneDividerMorph
#SuperSwikiDirectoryWrapper #SyntaxAttribute #TarArchive
#TelnetProtocolClient #TestCaseDebugger #TestExceptionSubstrings
#TextAttribute #TextMessageLink #ThreePhaseButtonMorph
#TransferMorphAnimation #TransitionMorph #UpdatingTextMorph #UrlArgumentList
#UserInputEvent #ZipConstants #ZipCrcTests #ZipFileConstants).

I could see most of this are needed but some not.

Pick what you think deserves go away.


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