To Traits Or Not To Traits (Was: Re: Stefs roadmap for 3.9, time to get it nailed down)

Ned Konz ned at
Thu Feb 24 16:10:55 UTC 2005

On Thursday 24 February 2005 2:00 am, goran.krampe at wrote:
> Now, I understand that maintaining Traits as a package is a hard thing
> to do. It is typically a quite advanced "patch" to the kernel stuff in
> Squeak. This all depends on how you guys have built it - through various
> refactorings or through simply modifications.
> So the question remains - is Traits plausible to maintain as a package -
> or is it not? And also of course, if it is - would you be willing?
> Unless this is so - then this turns into a black and white choice.

It may be that doing some refactorings of Minimal to allow smoother loading of 
Traits would be possible.

I found that this helped with Connectors.

Ned Konz

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