read the traits papers (was "To Traits Or Not To Traits")

Craig Latta craig at
Thu Feb 24 18:47:14 UTC 2005


	Göran writes:

 > then we take first look, and then probably solicit some feedback from
 > stakeholders.

	Stéphane responds:

 > Yes please do it, but read the %$%$#$%#X papers...

	Göran responds:

 > Calm down Stephane - not all Squeakers have the time to read your
 > papers. I will read them - at least some of them - but don't expect
 > all of us to have the time to do that.

	This seems very odd to me. I just don't see the point of having this 
discussion without being informed. Reading the papers is work, yes, but 
it seems mandatory if one is to take the Traits work seriously (and less 
work than this email thread so far :). And how nice that there are 
papers to read! That's a pleasant luxury for us.

	Read the papers. :)  Diligence demands it.


Craig Latta
improvisational musical informaticist
craig at
[|] Proceed for Truth!

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