About halos

Douglas Rollwitz colorow at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jan 5 12:16:35 UTC 2005


I have a small changeset where I have refactored the
halos.  In the old way, halos are nothing more than
EllipseMorphs, which rely on the Morphs to implement
functionality.  What I did was create halo classes,
and implement the functionality in them.  This allowed
me to move some methods out of Morph.  Then I
refactored the halospecs, so that each morph is
responsible for the halos specs, rather than spreading
the code out all over.  It also allows the halos to be
more instance specific, so a programmer to allow a n
instance of a morph to bring up different halos at
different times.  If you'd like it, I can post it.


--- stéphane ducasse <ducasse at iam.unibe.ch> wrote:

> hi
> I have been creating my own halos and I found quite
> strange that a lot 
> of the code for halospec and haloMorph
> is located in Preferences and not on the class side
> of HaloMorph or 
> HaloSpec.
> I could of course change that but are people
> concerned by that or 
> prefer to keep a clunky system?
> Stef

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