[ENH] AutoIndentPreference-mikki

mikki at ida.liu.se mikki at ida.liu.se
Wed Jan 5 13:28:54 UTC 2005

from preamble:

"Change Set:		AutoIndentPreference-mikki
Date:			3 January 2005
Author:			Mikael Kindborg

This change set contains code for a preference 
so that you can choose if you want return to 
auto-indent in the text editor.

Autoindent is on as default. To turn it off, go to 
the preferences panel and the browing section, 
and check the autoIndent option."

"This code adds a preference for auto-indenting."
	addPreference: #autoIndent 
	categories: #(browsing)
	default: true 
	balloonHelp: 'This preference makes return auto-indent in the text
	projectLocal: false 
	changeInformee: nil 
	changeSelector: nil.!
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