An attempt to support Czech language

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at
Wed Jan 19 01:39:17 UTC 2005


  It has been loong over due, but I finally put my hands on the
support for Latin2 languages.  I've incorporated patches by Boris
(Gaertner) and did a bit of homework by myself, too.

  To try it out, grab a zip file from

and fire up the image in it on an OS, presumably Windows running in
Czech or some latin2 language mode.  Hopefully, you can type the
characters from the keyboard, and copy-and-paste the text from the
clipboard.  (At least, you should be able to "print it" the last line
in the foreground workspace.)

  It is based on 3.8 derivative image at:

If you are interested in how it is built, grab this image and evaluate
the content in the work space.

  Right now, it only "supports" Czech, but you can add more latin2
languages by adding the iso 2-character language code to
Latin2Environment class>> supportedLanguages and do the necessary

  It is not polished up, but at least it does something.  Let me know
how it goes!

-- Yoshiki

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