Stéphane Ducasse stephane.ducasse at univ-savoie.fr
Sat Jul 2 10:36:12 UTC 2005

hi all

can someone help me here?

I did the following
|stream |
stream := (MultiByteFileStream fileNamed: 'BD4TabsDelimited.txt').
stream converter: MacRomanTextConverter new.
self assert: (stream upTo: Character cr) =  '        Achille Talon     
Greg        Pas de pitié pour Achille talon    13    1976     
Dargaud    "sur la couverture ""une histoire du journal  
tintin"""            '

This is ok!

Now I'm trying to use MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream as follow

|stream |
stream := MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream on: self  
completeWithTabbingLinesWithAccents encoding: 'mac-roman'.
self assert: (stream upTo:  Character cr) = ' '

when I do
stream contents I got '' while there is a collection...

It seems that the stream once instantiated is at the end. (readLimit  
is 0 when the instance is created)

How can I say to the stream to be at the start. I tried reset,  
resetAtStart without success
when in an inspector I copy the writeLimit to the readLimit then  
upTo: works perfectly.

Is it a bug?

I added


     readLimit := writeLimit.
     position := 0.

and it works but this seems to me quite strange that I cannot open a  
in read and be at the beginning of the stream


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