www.squeak.org finally updated

Giovanni Giorgi giovanni.giorgi at siforge.org
Mon Jul 4 13:27:18 UTC 2005

Avi Bryant ha scritto  in data 04/07/2005 15.18:

> On Jul 4, 2005, at 2:40 PM, Andreas Raab wrote:
>> In a way I am but only because you made a major point of a company  
>> not linking to or mentioning Squeak.org because of a) the general  
>> look of the site and b) the content on the site. While a) might be  
>> fixable for most of the audience b) certainly isn't.
> Andreas,
> I agree with you in general, but I don't think that (b) isn't fixable  
> - or at least, I would claim that it currently needs fixing.  Look at  
> the very first sentence on the current squeak.org: "With the Squeak  
> programming system, we have made some delightful and powerful  
> educational applets. "  For someone coming to Squeak looking to use  
> it for business, that will be the first sentence and quite possibly  
> the last they read - not because there's anything wrong with  
> educational applets (there's everything right with them, in fact),  
> but because that person will assume that this tool is not aimed at  
> them and go elsewhere.

I agree.

> [about old part referring 2000 year] we need to fix this if we're  
> going to have any credibility.

Also, www.squeak.org is too verbose in the home page: main links are 
few, and the head logo (http://www.squeak.org/images/welcome.gif) is too 
big for a 800x600 pixel screen.

     Giovanni Giorgi           http://www.squeak.org

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