mac carbon vm 3.8.8b5 posted

John M McIntosh johnmci at
Mon Jul 18 05:57:29 UTC 2005

Posted mac vm 3.8.8b5, as mentioned on Saturyday:

Under os-x 10.4 carbon applications are throttled to 50 screen  
updates per second. Since 3.8.6b2 we flushed the screen 91 times per  
to make drawing faster and more similar to os-9. However under os-x  
this is too frequent and if the Morphic cache/draw cycle gets out of  
sync which
happens occasionally during debugging you get this odd effect where  
the screen redraw takes a minute or two to complete.

Also I discovered that I was only flushing the active window, if you  
had multiple host windows or had put the squeak window in the  
background it was
possible to lose the last window flush and have the squeak window not  
reflect the squeak screen buffer.

This change then flushs each host window every 1/50 of a second.

Plus has fix for Croquet, application quits when launching a teapot.

Find it at

or see the following ftp directory for the zip file.

John M. McIntosh <johnmci at> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.

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