[Q] About loading Class in any Squeak X.y.image

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Jul 20 13:19:26 UTC 2005


Some of you could know I doing experiments in stripping images, whose
tangible result is SqueakLignt.

I do a Mom - Child setup with Mom being normal Squeak and Child being
SqueakLight and talking via TCP.

I copy my last Transcript in Mom.

starting remote comm test
initializing network ... ok
server start to perform instructions
Applescript compatible ?    #(#OSAID #ApplescriptError #ApplescriptInstance)
This Class list do not exist in Child
ApplescriptError compatible ?    #(#StandardSystemView #PluggableListView #PluggableTextView)
This Class list do not exist in Child
StandardSystemView compatible ?    #(#View #StandardSystemController #PluggableListView
This Class list do not exist in Child
PluggableListView compatible ?    #(#View #ListView #PluggableListController)
This Class list do not exist in Child
OSAID compatible ?    #(#MacExternalData #Applescript)
This Class list do not exist in Child
 You could need tranfer this class list to Child ?[3388]a Set(#Applescript
#OSAID #StandardSystemController #View #ListView #StandardSystemView
#PluggableListView #PluggableTextView #PluggableListController
#ApplescriptError #MorphWorldView #ApplescriptInstance #MacExternalData)

My concret answer is:

What about if objects could have this kind of info , maybe in the second
line as , by example.

'From Squeak3.7 of ''4 September 2004'' [latest update: #5988] on 20 July
2005 at 9:30:30 am'!
'Compatibility info: #Applescript #OSAID #StandardSystemController #View
#ListView #StandardSystemView #PluggableListView #PluggableTextView
#PluggableListController #ApplescriptError #MorphWorldView
#ApplescriptInstance #MacExternalData'

This way, destination could have a quick media of knowing if could load the
new code.

It's this horrible idea? Was considered eras ago and discharted ?
What you think about ?

Waiting some stones, so throw yours.



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