How does text display take place

Himanshu Garg himanshu.garg at
Mon Jun 6 04:27:19 UTC 2005


     I have been looking at DisplayText, Paragraph, TextStyle, Text
classes but haven't so far been able to locate the method that does
the real display, i.e. take the bitmap from the font for a character,
put it somewhere, take the next put it somewhere.

    Could you tell me if I am not looking at the right places or I
have missed some method. If you remember having seen tutorial or book
chapter that gives the big picture, that would also be helpful.

    I am trying to show Telugu ( a left to write script, that requires
script shaping )text in Squeak using the Operating System support with
FFI-Examples-Win32's classes.

    I would be grateful for some pointers and/or suggestions.

Thank You,

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