About package and test numbering

stéphane ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Fri Jun 10 06:29:52 UTC 2005

Andreas I was looking at iSqueak and it occured to me the following.

About test and package synchronisation.
Over the years here we developed the following strategy to make sure  
that we can also identify a package and its associated tests.
we always give to the tests the number of the package

this way we get

PA1        PAT1
PA2        PAT1 "test did not changes"
PA4        PAT4 "tests changes"

I do not know if this is something that we would like to have but I'm  
wondering how other
people are managing that. In particular since you do not want to have  
a configuration for each individual
project to bundle a package and its test.


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