About package and test numbering

stéphane ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Fri Jun 10 18:17:42 UTC 2005

>> About test and package synchronisation.
>> Over the years here we developed the following strategy to make sure
>> that we can also identify a package and its associated tests.
>> we always give to the tests the number of the package
>> this way we get
>> PA1        PAT1
>> PA2        PAT1 "test did not changes"
>> PA3
>> PA4        PAT4 "tests changes"
> One problem is if you create new versions of tests (more complete  
> testing) while the target of the tests does not change.  That is,  
> you need:
> PA1   PAT1
> ...        PAT2  etc.

In that case you write

> I have not dealt with this before, but it makes sense that tests  
> should target the interface specification of a package so that the  
> synchronization should be with changes to the interface.  I your  
> version numbers refer to such interface changes, then you need a  
> separate version number for bug fixes, etc.  That gives the  
> following scenarios:
> PA1.1   PAT1.1
> PA1.2   PAT1.1  "no need to change tests, but test results may be  
> different"
> PA1.2   PAT1.2  "fixed bug in test to eliminate false negative"
> PA1.2   PAT1.3  "added more tests to give better coverage"
> PA2.0   PAT1.3  "tests are out of synch with interface change in  
> PA2.0"
> PA3.0   PAT1.3  "still lacking proper tests for latest interface  
> changes in PA3.0"
> PA4.0   PAT4.0  "back in synch"

But with this schema there is no way that I can really know what are  
the green tests for PA 2.0
and what we tried to do is to always be able to have the latest  
running (green tests) been identifiable.


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