Raw graphics performance

Aran Lunzer aran at meme.hokudai.ac.jp
Tue Jun 21 14:02:12 UTC 2005


Doing some comparisons of PCs as preparation to buying a new laptop, I've
noticed some unexpectedly large differences in Squeak's graphics

I narrowed it down to the speed of DisplayScreen>>forceToScreen:

For example, running the following within an identical 3.7 image on four
different systems gave the per-loop timings listed below.

   Time millisecondsToRun: [
     1000 timesRepeat: [ Display forceToScreen: Display boundingBox ] ]

Toshiba dynabook SS LX/190 DK    [laptop]
1.6 GHz Pentium M 730
NVIDIA GeForce Go 6200 TE 64M / 6600 TE 128M

NEC LaVie LR 700/9    [laptop]
1.6 GHz Pentium
ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 series

Dell Dimension 8200   [large desktop]
2 GHz Pentium 4

Dell Inspiron 8000    [chunky laptop]
1 GHz Pentium III
(not sure about the driver)

Processor zorch alone doesn't explain it; is the secret in the display
drivers?  Or something to do with video memory?  Or something that could
be tweaked on a given computer?

Personally I don't rely on massive display speed, but when working with
lots of debug output going into the Transcript the difference is certainly
dramatic  :-)

Many thanks

Aran Lunzer
Meme Media Laboratory
Hokkaido University
Sapporo, Japan

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