Why doesn't Morph's drawOn get called when Main Squeak window unminimized.

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at gmx.de
Tue Jun 21 17:24:51 UTC 2005

Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> In normal drawing it is not necessary to redraw portions of of the  
> display because the whole screen bitmap is cached. When the Squeak  
> window needs to be redrawn, just the right bits from that bitmap  (which 
> is called Display) are copied to the screen. Morphic just  draws into 
> the bitmap and tells the system to update the changed  portions.
> If you draw yourself via FFI, you also need to get hold of the redraw  
> events yourself. There is no support for this in regular Squeak.

IIRC, then Tim's unspeakable host window stuff supports it.

   - Andreas

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