Surreal Squeak Fun (was: Re: "Delay class >> shutdown" anyone?)

Markus Gaelli gaelli at
Fri Mar 4 19:34:36 UTC 2005

The reason I came up with this, is that I had some fun executing this 
script here:

aTimeout:= Duration milliSeconds: 500.
log := FileStream forceNewFileNamed: 'logUnaries.txt'.
Smalltalk allClassesDo: [:aClass |
	aClass class selectors do: [:aSel |
		aSel isUnary ifTrue:  [
			log cr;nextPutAll: aClass asString, ' class >> ', aSel;tab;flush.
			[[aClass perform: aSel]
				valueWithin: aTimeout
				onTimeout: [log nextPutAll: 'Takes longer than '. aTimeout printOn: 
					on: Exception
					do: [:ex | log nextPutAll: ex description]]]]

Until, tja, until it got stuck on this Delay class >> shutDown.

Why am I doing this?
In 3.7 (you have to filein the valueWithin:timeOut: function first) we 
have more than 4000 ready-to-run unaries on the class side,
compared to around 1000 unit tests. I now admit that some of them you 
don't want to run though... ;-)

I just want to detect in a throw-away image the ones which execute fine 
(most of them do) to add some smoke-regression-testing to the 
yet-to-come test server....
I am also curious to see how far I can can with methodTally and friends 
about the percentage of the system covered, might also be useful to 
detect some concrete types.



On Mar 4, 2005, at 20:16, Markus Gaelli wrote:

> Hi Alex,
>> Markus Gaelli schrieb:
>>> So on the one hand it is working perfectly, on the other hand I could
>>> not find any users in 3.7 final...
>> Classes that register themselfs with addToShutdownList: in
>> SystemDictionary get the message shutdown: sent to them on image 
>> shutdown.
>> See SystemDictionary>>processShutDownList:
>> Or did I miss the point?
> No, I think you are right, my mistake... I missed the
> 	Behavior >> shutDown:
> 		self shutDown.
> Sorry for confusion and thanks!
> Markus

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