MAPIClient -> withInternetLineEndings

Markus Fritsche Fritsche.Markus at
Sat Mar 5 15:52:07 UTC 2005

I don't know, if this breaks with Outlook (Express), but with
thunderbird, you'll need to adjust the body to use CrLfs.

If it is integrated in MAPIClient, the tag ("maf ...") should be deleted :)

Regards, Markus


-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.8gamma of ''24 November 2004'' [latest update: #6548] on 5 March 2005 at 4:23:08 pm'!

!MAPIClient methodsFor: 'public' stamp: 'maf 3/5/2005 16:21'!
sendMailMessage: aMailMessage
	| recipients attachments note result |
	note := MapiMessage externalNew.
	note setZero.

	note lpszSubject: (ExternalAddress newCString: aMailMessage subject).

	note lpszNoteText:(ExternalAddress newCString: aMailMessage bodyTextFormatted asString "maf 3/5/2005 16:19" withInternetLineEndings).

	recipients := self gatherRecipientsOf: aMailMessage.
	note nRecipCount: recipients size.
	note lpRecips: (self glue: recipients).

	attachments := self gatherAttachmentsOf: aMailMessage.
	note nFileCount: attachments size.
	note lpFiles: (self glue: attachments).

	"send message"
	result := self MAPISendMail: 0 "session"
		with: 0 "ui handle"
		with: note "actual MAPI message"
		with: (MAPIDialog bitOr: MAPILogonUi) "MAPINewSession"
		with: 0. "reserved"

	"clean up"
	attachments size > 0 ifTrue:[
		note lpFiles free.
		self freeAttachments: attachments].

	recipients size > 0 ifTrue:[
		note lpRecips free.
		self freeRecipients: recipients].

	note lpszNoteText free.
	note lpszSubject free.

	note free.
	result. "for debugging"
	^self "do NOT answer the result as some clients want to 'submit' afterwards"! !

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