UI hangups

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Wed Mar 23 23:35:44 UTC 2005

On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 07:29:55AM -0800, Ned Konz wrote:
> It's best not to use the Transcript while debugging UI code.
> I've written a logger that uses a circular buffer (and which you can turn off 
> and on); you can run some code and then display the results later.
> What some people (including me) do to debug UI code (in Morphic or MVC) is to 
> draw directly on the Display somewhere. There are a number of debug methods 
> to do just that.

And of course if you happen to be running Squeak on a unixy sort
of system, this sort of thing works well:

(FileStream fileNamed: '/dev/tty')
  nextPutAll: 'hello world';
  nextPut: Character lf;


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