Finding a method.

Alain Fischer mailinglist.fischer at
Fri Mar 25 00:21:20 UTC 2005

In a workspace type and select a text, then

ALT-m implementor of your selection
ALT-W implementor with a fragment of your selection


Le 25 mars 05, à 00:23, Michael van der Gulik a écrit :

> Hi all.
> When coding, I'm often wanting to go to a specific method at a 
> specific class.
> Is there a shortcut to do so?
> E.g. I just want to press ALT-something from anywhere (i.e. a global 
> keystroke), and then type in 'MyClass>>myMethod', which will pop up a 
> browser on that method. Preferably, it would do so without me having 
> to reach over for the mouse.
> Mikevdg.

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