Where to next with Exupery?

Colin Putney cputney at wiresong.ca
Sat May 14 15:09:40 UTC 2005

On May 14, 2005, at 9:38 AM, Bryce Kampjes wrote:

> Exupery should be able to optimise code that works mostly with
> SmallIntegers, objects, and sends. Sends are now over twice as fast as
> the interpreter. Code that spends most of it's time in primitives is
> out, I could speed up primitive calls, but not their execution.
> I'd really like benchmarks that are important. Think code that's
> either slow and a pain now or where more speed would lead to the
> Squeak community growing. Performance that increase Squeak's
> commercial usefulness definitely are important.

Well, that's kind of difficult. Any code that's really important has  
already been optimized so that it spends most of its time in  
primitives. Ultimately, when Exupery is more mature, we'll want to  
start removing those primitives. In the meantime though, I suspect  
the most fertile ground will be stuff that's a little more  
peripheral. Perhaps Ogg decoding might be an interesting real-world  
application that could benefit from a speed up?


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