[BUG] Accessing source code is not thread-save

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Wed Nov 2 15:32:40 UTC 2005

> Description: If two processes concurrently access the source code of a
> method they might get an invalid string that cannot be compiled.
This isn't particularly related to source code though; more a general  
problem with the whole file accessing system. Unfortunately, Squeak  
uses one primitive to position the 'current pointer' for an open file  
and another to read x bytes from the current pointer. Obviously if  
multiple threads are working on the same file there is a reasonable  
chance that at some time the position and read/write will interleave  
and screw up your day.

The same problem is there in many low level OS libraries - Squeak  
just copied the model in the ANSI C   stdio.h standard. I always did  
think it was pretty stupid. A read/write(file, pos, numbytes) is much  

It's one of the things that needs to be tackled by the File Team. Yet  

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim

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