Smam - now with code generation!

Cees De Groot cdegroot at
Sun Nov 6 12:22:13 UTC 2005

And it washes whither than ever!

Anyway, I just published a new version of Smam (Seaside, Mewa And
Magma - and I am still waiting for someone to come up with a better
name) that has a bit of code generation added to it. It asks for the
base package name and a class prefix, and then generates all the glue
bits to the framework. At the end of that, you'll have a hello world
page in Seaside, a new MC package, and three new subpackages in your

To use it, load Smam from,
read the Smam Howto class instance-side documentation for reference if
you like, switch over to the class-side and the 'self
createNewProject' doit in the method with the same name.

Yes, I made this a bit harder than necessary on purpose (with the
space in the classname). No use overwriting your handcrafted code just
because you happen to re-hit the doit in your workspace :)

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