Versioning changes to pre-existing classes with Monticello

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Fri Nov 11 13:38:01 UTC 2005

Am 11.11.2005 um 14:35 schrieb Simon Kirk:

> Hello again all.
> As part of my recent ODBC work I've added a number of ODBC  
> constants to the pool dictionary of the ODBCConnection class from  
> ODBC-Core. I've also changed some methods in various ways. I can  
> version those method changes with monticello, but how can I go  
> about versioning the new constants in the pool dictionary into my  
> monticello repository as well?

Pool variables are ordinary class variables of a subclass of  
SharedPool. Just initialize the class variables from the class  
#initialize method as usual.

If you use old-style pools (dictionaries) you should change them to  
proper SharedPools.

- Bert -

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