Need to do something

Daniel Vainsencher daniel.vainsencher at
Thu Oct 13 17:32:59 UTC 2005

Note that the work needed to be able to share packages is exactly the 
work required to make the update stream work - create a series of 
loadable package versions that get (any image) from here to there.

This is what makes the whole "images vs updates" thread pretty much 
bogus in my eyes. If we stop doing this work for some package, and just 
patch things up, we will probably never share that code with any other 
image-lines that want to keep their own images.


Cees De Groot wrote:
> On 10/13/05, Hernan Tylim <htylim at> wrote:
>>We need to stop having one unique (or official) squeak image.
> Sure. And that's what a lot of the current efforts are targeted at -
> split things up so people actually have a chance of composing what
> they want.
> I foresee an image (or two, or three) for Seaside developers, one for
> native Windows app developers, one for artists, one for p2p hackers,
> ....
> But it won't happen automagically ;)

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