Set asArray method

Ralph Boland rpboland at
Mon Oct 17 04:16:27 UTC 2005

I use Sets (and its subclasses like Dictionary) a lot and desire that
they be efficient.
(I am currently using Squeak 3.6)

I discovered that Set inherits the asArray method from Collection
which is written
as follows:
	| anArray index |
	anArray := Array new: self size.
	index := 0.
	self associationsDo: [:each | anArray at: (index := index + 1) put: each].
	^ anArray

Since Set does not have an 'associationsDo:' method  the corresponding
method in Collection is used which just invokes the 'do:' method which
is implemented
in Set.

I felt that this was too inefficient so I implemented 'asArray' in Set
as follows:

			| anArray newIndex |

	anArray := Array new: self size.
	newIndex := 1.
	1 to: array size do:  [:index |
				| elem |
			(elem := array at: index)
		ifNotNil: [
			anArray at: newIndex put: elem.
			newIndex := newIndex + 1].

	^ anArray

This causes 'asArray' in class Dictionary to fail because it now
inherits the asArray
method from Set instead of Collection so I copied verbatum the asArray method
from Collection to Dictionary.  So far everything works.
I have the following questions:

1)  For me the cost of the extra code was worth the gain in
efficientcy (I believe;
     I didn't actually do any measurements).
     Given the importance of Sets and its subclasses (Like Dictionary) is this
     modification not worth being in Squeak itself?
     Note that I find there are many places in Squeak where I would
have reimplemented
     a method rather then use inheritance so I am probably at variance with the
     Squeak community.  Even so, the above case seems to me to be
especially bad.

 2)  I was forced to reimplement the asArray method in Dictionary even
though the
      I used the exact same code as in Dictionary's  super super class
      I could have avoided this by implementing a method skipSetAsArray in Set
      written:   "^super asArray"  and implementing asArray in Dictionary as
      "^self skipSetAsArray".  This is ugly but what I would have used
had 'asArray'
      been a method containing a lot of code.
      Comments on this solution?

3)   An alternative to 2) would be if there was some way to control from which
      class a method is inherited.  Say, for example we could write 'asArray' in
      Dictionary as  "^super(Collection) asArray"  implying that the
version of 'asArray'
      in the super class of Dictionary called Collection is to be used.
      This seems to me to be a simple and efficient solution.

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