Help, please, for OSProcess on MacOS.

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Wed Oct 19 09:32:17 UTC 2005

Actually, the 3.7-7 Unix VM ( 
Squeak-vm-3.7-7.dmg) does already contain the OSProcess plugin. So  
just download that VM, download an image, install OSProcess in that  
image, and off you go.

(Btw, why is that VM not downloadable from 
VirtualMachine/ ?)

- Bert -

Am 19.10.2005 um 04:21 schrieb Martin Snelgrove:

> I often have to use big number-crunching packages with vile  
> interfaces, and like the look of Squeak to add a layer
> to make it bearable.
> My understanding is that that means I want OSProcess and its  
> plugin, but I'm on Mac OS X (10.4.2). The most
> recent story I see is from  
> and says that "Placeholder classes are provided
> for MacOS, OS/2 and RiscOS, but are not yet implemented."
> I have also seen posts flying around that suggest that some people  
> have had pieces of OSProcess working on Macs,
> so I tried loading and .configuring things for a bit, but with no  
> sign that Squeak was paying any attention to my efforts.
> I have a "UnixOSProcessPlugin.c" file to show for my efforts, which  
> looks fine to my untrained eye, and at one
> point was able to gcc it with enough includes to get a file that  
> looks to Unix like:
>             Plugins $ file Unix*Plugin
>             UnixOSProcessPlugin: Mach-O dynamically linked shared  
> library ppc
> I also jammed a copy of that into a faked-up .bundle, but that  
> doesn't do anything either.
> Loading in recent sources via subversion ("Checked out revision  
> 1262.") and doing ./configure is also failing for me.
> I've tried various combinations of options that I found mentioned  
> in
>  to configure: the one that got the farthest was
>             ../config/configure --with-src=src32 --without-x --with- 
> cocoa
> and gives the error message
> ...
> /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
> _fetchLong32ofObject
> _getThisSessionID
> _obsoleteDontUseThisFetchWordofObject
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [squeak] Error 1
> I also tried "make plugins", since I'm perfectly happy with my  
> 3.8.6b6 image, but that says:
> ...
> /Users/snelgar/sqk/platforms/unix/vm-display-Quartz/sqUnixQuartz.m: 
> 611: error: 'sqKeyboardEvent' has no member named 'reserved2'
> ...
> For possibly helpful version info: "OSProcessPlugin about:" says:
> Your system does not have an installed plugin module. Your current  
> configuration is Squeak3.6 of '6 October 2003' [latest update:  
> #5429] Squeak VM 3.8.6b6 with UnixOSProcessPlugin version 4.0 using  
> concrete class UnixOSProcessPluginNoThisSessionAvailable installed  
> with OSProcess version 4.0, running on 1042 Mac OS VM with  
> installed plugin (OSProcessPlugin installed module not accessible).
> Am I
> 1) wasting my time trying to install something that isn't even close?
> 2) just missing some bundle or CFLAGS or configure pixie dust?
> 3) other?
>     thanks in advance
>         ws

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