MIDI writer?

Cees De Groot cdegroot at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 16:52:14 UTC 2005

And now, for something completely different :)

I've been an aspiring music maker (as in 'composer') since I was a kid
and I'll probably be one until I die, but that doesn't stop me from
trying and generally fooling around. After all, keyboards and mixers
have lots of buttons, and we geeks can't resist frobnicating, can we?

Anyway, I encountered a nice Windows utility called Midi Archiver,
which basically listens on a Midi port, waits for notes, and then when
the stream ends for X seconds, spits out a Midi file with a
timestamped name. Needless to say, this is neat - anything I play on
my keyboard (and, as my kids discovered, everything *they* play on
sundaymorning when I'm still in bed, as well ;-)) is duly archived on
disk and at the off-chance that something worthwhile is recorded, I
can load the Midi files straight as a track in my sequencer software
and start working on it. No, that hasn't happened yet, but I don't
give up hope ;)

Of course that'd be a nice utility to replicate in Squeak. It looks
easy enough, except for the bit that there's no Midi file writer
support. I could of course write it in a Squeaky format, play it in
Squeak (better than Windoze Media player - the default for Midi on my
machine - anyway), and record it from Squeak in my sequencer in case I
want to work on a track, but still, I would prefer being able to store
it in a standardized format.

Hmm... this was a long intro to a simple question: is there a MIDI
file writer for Squeak floating around somewhere? If not, a simple
external library that could be called through FFI ?

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