pending mac vm 3.8.9b5

Serge Stinckwich Serge.Stinckwich at
Mon Oct 24 16:49:40 UTC 2005

John M McIntosh a écrit :
> Ok, well you know you can set the interrupt key to something else.
> In EventSensor >> process event you have
>     "Check if the event is a user interrupt"
>     (type = EventTypeKeyboard and:[(evt at: 4) = 0 and:[
>         ((evt at: 3) bitOr: ((evt at: 5) bitShift: 8)) =  interruptKey]])
>              ifTrue:["interrupt key is meta - not reported as event"
>                     ^interruptSemaphore signal].
> Keyboard events
> ====================
> Keyboard events are generated when keyboard input is detected.
> [1]    - event type 2
> [2]    - time stamp
> [3]    - character code
> [4]    - press state; integer with the following meaning
>         0    -    character
>         1    -    key press (down)
>         2    -     key release (up)
> [5]    - modifier keys; bitfield with the following entries:
>         1    -    shift key
>         2    -    ctrl key
>         4    -    (Mac specific) option key
>         8    -    Cmd/Alt key
> which means if you fiddle with the interruptKey value you can set it  to 
> something else.
> Sensor setInterruptKey: ($. asciiValue bitOr: 16r0800)
> that sets it to cmd '.'  on english keyboard, but I wonder if the  code 
> is really ($. asciiValue bitOr: 16r0900) because you are hitting  shift 
> cmd '.'

Ok, it works !

> Seems to me this should a preference in the image that one can override.

Why a preference ?

Here is a changeset to allow to use the shift key for the Cmd-.
I test it with the french and american keyboard.
Could people with different keyboard layout (belgian, spanish, ...) 
could also test this changeset ?

Thanks you,

--                                                         oooo
Dr. Serge Stinckwich                                     OOOOOOOO
Université de Caen>CNRS UMR 6072>GREYC>MAD               OOESUGOO                       oooooo
Smalltalkers do: [:it | All with: Class, (And love: it)]   \  /

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.8 of ''5 May 2005'' [latest update: #6665] on 24 October 2005 at 6:42:13 pm'!

!EventSensor methodsFor: 'private-I/O' stamp: 'zz 10/24/2005 18:41'!
processEvent: evt
	"Process a single event. This method is run at high priority."
	| type |
	type := evt at: 1.

	"Check if the event is a user interrupt"
	(type = EventTypeKeyboard and:[(evt at: 4) = 0 and:[
		((evt at: 3) bitOr: (((evt at: 5) bitAnd:8) bitShift: 8)) = interruptKey]])
			 ifTrue:["interrupt key is meta - not reported as event"
					^interruptSemaphore signal].

	"Store the event in the queue if there's any"
	type = EventTypeMouse ifTrue:
		[evt at: 5 put: (ButtonDecodeTable at: (evt at: 5) + 1)].

	type = EventTypeKeyboard ifTrue:
		["swap ctrl/alt keys"
		KeyDecodeTable at: { evt at: 3 . evt at: 5 } ifPresent: [:a |
			evt at: 3 put: a first;
				at: 5 put: a second]].

	self queueEvent: evt.

	"Update state for InputSensor."
	EventTypeMouse = type ifTrue:[self processMouseEvent: evt].
	EventTypeKeyboard = type ifTrue:[self processKeyboardEvent: evt]! !

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