Brainstorming on profilling (was Re: RV: Instrumenting Send and ...)

Alexandre Bergel bergel at
Sat Oct 29 17:04:34 UTC 2005

In the very near future, I plan to work on profiling technics. The  
question I want to ask you is: What are the information we want to  
obtain from a program execution?

Here are some thoughts:
     - 2 kinds of profiling: time and speed. How long methods of my  
application takes ? How much memory my application requires ?
     - minimize the amount of information by restricting the output  
of the profiler to the information I am really interested in.  
Basically, If I define a seaside application, I am only concerned by  
my application, and not by the seaside framework.
     - Currently, in Squeak,  I can only listen to everything (i.e.,  
every method call is measured). It might be interesting to limit the  
measurement to a small part of the system (e.g., objets).

I would be really interested in hearing your opinion...


On Oct 29, 2005, at 6:36 PM, tim Rowledge wrote:

> On 29-Oct-05, at 8:50 AM, John M McIntosh wrote:
>> Let me add a primitive to turn that on or off
> There are already primitives for controlling profiling. Just use  
> those!
> clearProfile,
> dumpProfile,
> startProfiling,
> stopProfiling
> tim
> -- 
> tim Rowledge; tim at;

Alexandre Bergel

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