Some thoughts about managing packages in VW

Cees De Groot cdegroot at
Thu Sep 1 19:32:18 UTC 2005

Being one of the culprits and having had exposure to MC, StORE and
ENVY/Manager... This whole StORE thing was mostly born out of
frustration with the lousy work that Cincom delivered in this area
(StORE's code sucks, and how they managed to make such a thorough
mixup of packages, parcels, namespaces and whatnot I don't know).

So don't take too much of this as an example; I think MC actually has
more to offer at the moment than StORE, modulo a couple of utility
things (it'd be nice to have a copy that would also copy
prerequisites, etcetera). Between VW, VA and Squeak, MC sits in the
way the least except maybe for speed (Envy rocks, speed-wise!).

On 9/1/05, stéphane ducasse <ducasse at> wrote:
> showComments=true&entry=3265388740
> Stef

My girlfriend comes from New Orleans and has lost contact with her
family. If you meet any New Orleans refugees with the family name of
Baquet, please please please drop me a note. Specifically, we are
missing: Raymond Baquet (age 80, male), Elvera Baquet (age 80,
female), MaryAnn Robichaux (age 61, female), Michael Baquet (age 47,
male), Carmen Baquet (age 19, female), Marshall Baquet (age 18, male).

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