Bad way to add a class to Change Set (was Re: Publishing on Monticello (was: Re: Third Way...)

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at
Sat Sep 17 14:53:09 UTC 2005

Tom Phoenix puso en su mail :

> Given some Squeak code in an image, perhaps registered in one or more
> ChangeSets, how does one publish it on Monticello?
> Forgive me for asking, but nothing I see in the Monticello Browser
> seems to lead in the right direction. Have I overlooked the magic
> "publish" button or menu choice?
> --Tom Phoenix
Here you have a slow and dirty way to add classes to current change Set.
Hope someone have a better way and what 3.9 have it inside .


-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.7 of ''4 September 2004'' [latest update: #5989] on 17 September 2005 at 9:53:12 am'!

!Browser methodsFor: 'class functions' stamp: 'edc 9/17/2005 09:40'!
	"Print a description of the selected class onto a file whose name is the 
	category name followed by .st."
|realClass fakeFile|
classListIndex ~= 0 ifTrue: [realClass :=self selectedClass . 
	fakeFile := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: ''.
	realClass fileOutOn: fakeFile moveSource: false toFile: 0.
fakeFile reset.
fakeFile fileIn]
! !

!Browser methodsFor: 'class functions' stamp: 'edc 9/17/2005 08:14'!
classListMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted
	"Set up the menu to apply to the receiver's class list, honoring the #shifted boolean"

			[^ self shiftedClassListMenu: aMenu].
	aMenu addList: #(
		('browse full (b)'			browseMethodFull)
		('browse hierarchy (h)'		spawnHierarchy)
		('browse protocol (p)'		browseFullProtocol)
		('printOut'					printOutClass)
		('fileOut'					fileOutClass)
		('show hierarchy'			hierarchy)
		('show definition'			editClass)
		('show comment'			editComment)
		('inst var refs...'			browseInstVarRefs)
		('inst var defs...'			browseInstVarDefs)
		('class var refs...'			browseClassVarRefs)
		('class vars'					browseClassVariables)
		('class refs (N)'				browseClassRefs)
		('rename class ...'			renameClass)
		('copy class'				copyClass)
		('remove class (x)'			removeClass)
		('add class to current ChangeSet' addClassToCurrentChangeset)	
		('find method...'				findMethod)
		('more...'					offerShiftedClassListMenu)).
	^ aMenu! !

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