How to mark as internationalizable

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire at
Mon Sep 19 08:35:09 UTC 2005

Yoshiki Ohshima a écrit :
>   Hello,
>>I think the issue may be that these strings aren't marked to be 
>>#translated (e.g., missing #translated calls). That would leave them out 
>>of the list of translations.
>   Yeah, but 'isOverColor' and 'dotSize' are the slots for eToys, so
> they *should* be translated without putting #translated.  (In
> Squeakland 05, at least, they are translated to Japanese.)

The string 'isOverColor' does not exist for translation in the language 
editor. Is there a different scheme to translate EToys strings?

>   'connections to me' may be different, as Connector package is not
> well revised to support translation.  But, I wonder what version of
> Squeak Hilaire is using...

It is the official 3.8 updated with latest translation. I can see when 
switching to German that this string is translated aswell.


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