BabyUML overview posted

Simon Michael simon at
Tue Sep 20 22:39:24 UTC 2005

Hi Trygve,

I liked it very much, thank you!

If you're looking for reader feedback, I hope these help:

I found it beautifully clear until page 6, where I started getting a 
little confused. Actually, it started at the top of page 5. I wasn't too 
familiar with what exactly an activity network is and for the rest of 
the article I was distracted a little figuring out what frontLoadFrom: 
and earlyStart might mean. I thought your footnote 1 might be where I'd 
find out.

At figure 3 you mention four instance variables but there seem to be five.

In figure 8b second fragment lines 1 and 2, should front be frontAct ?

In that same fragment I expected noneSatisfy to be allSatisfy, but I may 
still be confused.

In "Figure 8 on page 7 shows that the member objects playing the various 
roles need to understand the following messages: resetEarlyStart and 
frontload: firstWeek." should it also mention earlyStart ?

I look forward to hearing more. Even prior to having working tools in 
squeak, I have the feeling I'll be better able to refactor and document 
even my legacy non-smalltalk apps after reading this.

Best regards,

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