Smalltalk code generation

Mariano Montone mariano_montone at
Thu Sep 29 17:22:55 UTC 2005


        I need to do some Smalltalk code generation from Smalltalk. So 
I have implemented a library (although it may be seen as an embedded 
language). One important thing is that I need to compose generated code 
from other generated code.

A usage example:

cb := self commandBuilder
m := cb methodNamed: #conditionMethod withFormalArgs: #() comment: 
'Condition method'.
m send: #ifTrue:ifFalse: to: (cb send: #isNil to: cb nil) with: (cb 
block: [:blk | blk return: (cb literal:'true')])
with: (cb block: [:blk | blk return: (cb literal: 'false')]).

The "pretty" printing of the generated method m would be:

   "Condition method"
   nil isNil ifTrue:[^true] ifFalse:[^false]

I want to do something like this, so I cant work on plain strings or do 
some preprocessing:

ASTVisitor>>visitAnd: node
   ^cb send: #and: to: (node exp1 accept: self) with: (cb block:[:blk | 
node exp2 accept: self])

And the question is: Is there a better/easier/trivial/standard way of 
doing this that I am missing?

Please don't doubt to criticize it, I want to learn  :-) .

Thank you very much for your time



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