[ANN] SUnitExtensions

Marcus Denker denker at iam.unibe.ch
Sun Apr 2 15:00:32 UTC 2006

On 02.04.2006, at 16:08, Brent Pinkney wrote:

> Hi,
>>     * TestCase>>should: aBlock notTakeMoreThanMilliseconds: anInteger
> Would it not be nicer to implement this using ANSI Durations rather  
> then
> milliseconds ? Something akin to #valueWithin:onTimeout:

Yes, I think phillipe suggested the same... let's do it.

> My suggestion would be
> 	self
> 		assert: [ x doSomething ] within: 5 seconds.

hmm... assert: allways takes an expression, should: takes a block in  
(the standard Object>>#assert: can have both a bock and a expression).

So for Sunit, it would be something like:

self shouldnt: [1 + 2] takeMoreThan: 3 seconds

self should: [1 + 2] takeNoMoreThan: 3 seconds

or, we could make change TestCase assert: to be like Object>>#assert:
and provide

	TestCase>>#assert: [ x doSomething ] within: 5 seconds.

Or just both? having TestCase>>#assert: to be the same semantics
like Objects>>assert: definitly makes sense...


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