About AnObsoleteSunitNameResolver

Maurizio Boriani debauxit at yahoo.it
Fri Aug 4 17:36:43 UTC 2006

>>>>> "Pavel" == Pavel Krivanek <squeak1 at continentalbrno.cz> writes:

    Pavel> Using "SystemNavigation default obsoleteClasses" or
    Pavel> "Smalltalk obsoleteClasses" you will see the list of
    Pavel> obsoleteClasses. Then you can continue with the hunt.


    Pavel> or (in <= 3.8)

    Pavel> (Smalltalk pointersTo: (Smalltalk obsoleteClasses detect:
    Pavel> [:c | c name = #AnObsoleteSunitNameResolver])) inspect

using this I got an Array inspector with seven elements

    Pavel> In the inspectors you can find next references using
    Pavel> "object pointing to this value"

doing this I got new inspectors... but I cannot understand how culd I
remove (or rebuild or... I don't know) this reference and subtisute them
with newer.

I suppose there are old references (to object which doesn't exists anymore
in the system) which must be substituted with newer. How could I do that?

    Pavel> -- Pavel

thanks very much for your support.

Maurizio Boriani 
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