Proposal for Extensible Primitives (was: FFI)

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Tue Aug 15 00:04:11 UTC 2006

Hi Lukas -

What problem exactly are you trying to solve? The way I understand it 
the problem we have is a dependency problem - how can the FFI cleanly 
interact with the parser. To do this, I would simply add a class 
variable that points to some FFI support class handling the parsing 
requests. If the FFI is loaded it registers the appropriate entry point 
and it unregisters it when unloading. As far as I can see, no further 
changes are needed, in particular none that break compatibility.

   - Andreas

Lukas Renggli wrote:
> I propose the following changes:
> Problem: FFI is hardcoded into the Squeak parser and uses a special
> parsing method. While parsing pragmas the implementation has to check
> for special conditions (Parser>>pragmaStatement) to trigger special
> handling of FFI functions (Parser>>externalFunctionDeclaration). This
> adds unnecessary code requirements to the base image and violates the
> extensibility of the system.
> Current State: Squeak primitives in 3.9 are already parsed using the
> pragma parser, they fully comply the new syntax. As a post operation
> the parser checks for these primitive pragmas and modifies the
> compiled method to call the primitive instead of the fallback code.
> FFI primitives have a slightly different syntax than the pragmas
> therefor are handled differently.
> Solution: Unify parsing of pragmas and FFI primitives. Make the
> primitive parsing extensible using pragmas.
> Proceeding: As a first step I would remove all the hardcoded code to
> parse Squeak and FFI primitives. Then I would tag the already
> implemented methods #primitive: and #primitive:module: using the newly
> introduced pragma #primitive, so that the parser is able to
> automatically detect these methods and postprocess the compiled method
> after the parsing.
> Proceeding FFI: The FFI package would add two extension methods to the
> parser, in the example below these would be #cdecel:module: and
> #apicall:module:. The implementation would look similar as the current
> implementation in #externalFunctionDeclaration, the parsing however
> (except for the C declaration) would have been done by the pragma
> parser already. The syntax of FFI primitives would need to be changed
> from
>     XSetBackground: xDisplay with: xGC with: bg
>         <cdecl: void 'XSetBackground' (X11Display* X11GC long) module: 
> 'X11'>
>         ^self externalCallFailed
> to something like
>     XSetBackground: xDisplay with: xGC with: bg
>         <cdecl: 'void XSetBackground(X11Display* X11GC long)' module: 
> 'X11'>
>         ^self externalCallFailed
> As a free goodie, we could now look for all FFI calls by simply
> looking at the senders of #cdecel:module: and #apicall:module:.
> I can do the proposed changes. We can also discuss about the
> implementation, though I won't go into any discussion if pragmas are
> good or evil ;-)
> Cheers,
> Lukas

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