Proposal for Extensible Primitives (was: FFI)

Lukas Renggli renggli at
Tue Aug 15 15:38:13 UTC 2006

> What problem exactly are you trying to solve? The way I understand it
> the problem we have is a dependency problem - how can the FFI cleanly
> interact with the parser. To do this, I would simply add a class
> variable that points to some FFI support class handling the parsing
> requests. If the FFI is loaded it registers the appropriate entry point
> and it unregisters it when unloading. As far as I can see, no further
> changes are needed, in particular none that break compatibility.

No changes are required per se, but the suggested modifications would
make the system simpler, smaller and more clean in my opinion.
Primitives would have a consistent syntax and would work searchable
such as senders and implementors of a method. Moreover no code would
be left over in the compiler package, namely the function
Parser>>#externalFunctionDeclaration could be part of the FFI package.

Of course I am wasting my time with minor details ;-)


Lukas Renggli

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