
Damien Cassou damien.cassou at
Fri Dec 8 17:07:10 UTC 2006

Philippe Marschall wrote :
 > For the n-th time:
 > TraitsOmniBrowser (not the one in the image): that's what virtual
 > categories come from in the first place anyway.

squeak-dev image must include a trait aware browser, however, there are 
problems with TraitOmniBrowser:

1) this is a new browser and not a modification of OB-Standard => each 
change made to OB-Standard will never affect TraitOB (dynamic protocols 
for example)

2) There is no entry in the open... menu

3) There is at least one big bug : go to TPureBehavior and select a 

I think it would be better to include functionalities of TraitOB into 
OB-Standard (not in the same package to keep compatibility with previous 
squeak versions).


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