Seaside vx Ruby vs Ajax vx ?

Brad Fuller brad at
Mon Jan 16 19:00:40 UTC 2006

Cees De Groot wrote:

>On 1/16/06, Brad Fuller <brad at> wrote:
>>Why should someone choose/not_choose Seaside over the buzz of today
>>(Ruby or Ajax.)
>Seaside includes Ajax-y things - you can do asynchronous processing
>without writing a single line of Javascript.
>(In fact, I used 'Ajax' in a VAST WebConnect project, and I'm quite
>sure that the IBM guys never considered that possibility. Ajax,
>stripped to the core, is dead simple)
>Ajax is the most overhyped thing at the moment. My predictions for it
>are, therefore, dire. I will bet it will go the way of XML - simple
>and interesting at first, then the "Enterprise" folk run away with it
>and within 2 years we have W3C AJAX standards that span 1000 pages.
>Wanna bet?
>In the meantime, XMLHttpRequest is a nice feature. It can really help
>to make web applications more usable. Use it in any environment (want
>to see "CGI Ajax support"? Takes a whopping 1 minutes probably to
>implement it).
>Ruby or Smalltalk? I'm a productivity whore and relatively immune to
>hypes. So I prefer Smalltalk. YMMV.
can you do audio (as in stream, assign sounds to events, etc.) in Seaside?

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