Spoon progress 15 January 2006: new minimum, new system tracer

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Mon Jan 16 19:03:54 UTC 2006

On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 10:39:58AM -0800, tim Rowledge wrote:
> On 16-Jan-06, at 10:26 AM, Craig Latta wrote:
> > 	I've written enough of the new tracer to write an object memory  
> > which adds 3 and 4, then quits. The snapshot[1] is 1,772 bytes  
> > uncompressed. Without using the simulator or visualization tools,  
> > about the most interesting thing you can do with it is watch it not  
> > crash. :)  But I do think this is a fun proof-of-concept.
> Bloody good show! Suggestion for a Neat Demo; extend this a little to
> a) print out the answer as the return code or to stdio or whatever.  
> There are some prims that should help do that without too much extra  
> image code. I think. Maybe. Easy to add a primPrintStringToTerminal  
> anyway
> b) accept simple equations as startup args
> Making a little Smalltalk commandline caculator app. Won't be 1700  
> bytes but surely less than 16kb.

Wouldn't you know it. Someone finally gets the image trimmed
down to a reasonable size, and the first thing he gets is a
bunch of new feature requests ;-)

Craig, this is really good. Your 1772 byte image starts right
up, opens a window, and exits cleanly. Quite remarkable.


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