Error while setting jpeg background from file (primitive failed)

stéphane ducasse ducasse at
Mon Jan 30 09:48:12 UTC 2006

Arghhhhh. Damned!

It is a pity that we get a system that is so fragile to change.  
Changing compiledMethod to real objects would help too.


> Marcus Denker wrote:
>> What does Traits have do do with this?
> Quite a bit. The traits installation adds two variables to Behavior  
> (traitComposition and localSelectors) and it looks like this isn't  
> as harmless for the VM as most people (including myself) thought.  
> It seems like there are a few places where the class name is  
> assumed in a specific position, including  
> Interpreter>>printNameOfClass:count: and  
> Interpreter>>classNameOf:is:. The latter is what's causing the  
> problem since it is used by Interpreter>>is:KindOf: which in turn  
> is used by  
> SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asKindOf:from: which  
> is applied as the generic prologue for classes that have no more  
> specific type checks (in this case we have a Form argument to which  
> this applies).
> Therefore, all primitives using this pattern will fail with post  
> 6706 images. What's potentially worse is that we don't know where  
> else any of those functions are being used (I wonder if they are  
> used in the FFI for some of the type checks...)
> Fixing this will not be easy - if a VM change is required it means  
> that older images will fail on newer VMs and vice versa.
> Cheers,
>   - Andreas

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