
Philippe Marschall philippe.marschall at
Tue Jul 18 13:36:35 UTC 2006

(1 to: thisContext method numArgs) collect: [ :each | thisContext tempAt: each ]

I'm sure there's a better way.


2006/7/18, Niko Schwarz < at>:
> I want to write a Wikipedia article about "Jacketing" and I thought a cool squeak snippet would show both how cool I am and how jacketing works. Unfortunately, the snippet is growing. I wanted to write it neatly short, like this (no callback:)
> unblock: selector
>         "Macht den blockierenden Aufruf selector unblockierend."
>         |bs|
>         bs := (#blocking , selector) asSymbol. "Der alte Aufruf wird umbenannt"
>         self
>                 addSelector: bs
>              withMethod: (self methodAt: selector).
>       self addSelector: selector
>                 withMethod: (self class compile: '[self perform: selector withArgs:args] fork')
> but as you probably noticed already, withArgs:args is not quite possible this way. Is there a short line of code that deals with it?
> niko
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