Literal object syntax

Tony Garnock-Jones tonyg at
Tue Jul 18 17:29:06 UTC 2006

Andreas Raab wrote:
> This of course gets more interesting when you need more than single
> parametrized method but the above illustrates the basic idea.

The other interesting part is the scoping of free identifiers within
methods in the literal-object. Does a literal-object close over its
environment like a block? Like a closure? Not at all? How are
literal-objects initialized? Do they have instance variables?

There are *lots* of interesting variations in exactly *how* to treat
free identifiers...

The whole idea is, I think, a good one - blocks themselves (well, more
properly, closures) become special-cased syntactic sugar:

[stuff] ===>

def Block [
  value [
    ^ stuff

[:a | a + 1] ===>

def Block [
  value: a [
    ^ a + 1

It also introduces the thorny notion of naming partial continuations.
(As in, which continuation does ^ throw to?)


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