[ANN] LispKit on SqueakMap

Stéphane Rollandin lecteur at zogotounga.net
Thu Jun 1 22:25:27 UTC 2006

Alexandre Bergel wrote:
> What a nice piece of code!
> I do not have time to dive into it now, but I would like to know how 
> difficult would it be to have a Scheme interpreter ?

I am a newbie in this domain so I can not really answer you yet.

I'm using this project to teach myself a bit more about Lisps, so far 
the only one I know rather well is Emacs Lisp, hence the dynamic scoping 
we have at the moment in LispKit.

Scheme is on my list for sure !

but I encourage you to give it a try (and tell me if changes are 
required for a Scheme support); the code is actually very simple and 
short, the package reaches 20 kb only because it's packed with test 
cases and documentation.

> Is there absolutely no restriction regarding the syntax ? This is a nice 
> trick you used. No need of parser...

there are some restrictions: $' instead of a plain ' for quoting, no 
composed-names etc.. but that's no big deal. things come along 
incredibly well !

plus the lisp code is nice to read with Shout

> I really like it. Currently there is no Smalltalk-like debugger for 
> Scheme. This might be a good thing to implement...

lots of fun to come :)


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